devastation|devastations in English


[dev·as·ta·tion || ‚devə'steɪʃn]

destruction, rui

Use "devastation|devastations" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "devastation|devastations" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "devastation|devastations", or refer to the context using the word "devastation|devastations" in the English Dictionary.

1. Massive devastation was everywhere.

2. And what devastation they cause!

3. The hurricane caused widespread devastation.

4. The bomb caused widespread devastation.

5. Destruction and devastation, hunger and sword!

6. It's a scene of complete devastation.

7. Rivers of molten lava caused much devastation

8. They don't have to do global devastation.

9. The typhoon left a trail of devastation.

10. Jody understood the devastation of serious injury.

11. A conventional war would still cause unacceptable devastation.

12. Ocasio-Cortez, other Democrats “Capitalizing” on Texas devastation

13. She returned home to find a scene of devastation.

14. Unutterable destruction and devastation were wrought last autumn.

15. We surveyed the devastation wrought by the fire.

16. Blasphemous is the story of suffering, devastation, and punishment

17. The devastation in Rio de Janeiro is beyond imagination.

18. The storm left behind it a trail of devastation.

19. The casualty list was 30 and the devastation immense.

20. He surveyed the scene of utter devastation beneath him.

21. This symbolic cavalry charge leaves devastation in its wake.

22. But this devastation is about to get a lot worse.

23. He will intervene, bringing devastation upon Satan and his crowd.

24. After the devastation an uneasy peace settled over the Empire.

25. Beautiful Gothic style red-bricked building of Nida’s Evangelical Lutheran Church survived despite of all devastations of the Postwar period.